
From the recording CHAINED TO YOU


Rest in Peace dear Shepp, your pain and suffering is over sweet boy.

A memorial song for Shepp, a sweet German Shepherd starved to death on the end of a chain which was tightly embedded into the poor dog's neck.

Shepp was rescued by animal protection services in Corpus Christi, USA, September 2008. Sadly Shepp lost his fight for life soon after he was rescued.

Shepp's story, as told by Annamarra in the information below, is distressing.

We decided to write this song to help people understand the need for greater awareness and protection for dogs like Shepp. Sadly far too many are left neglected, starved and and unwanted, forgotten outside on the end of a chain.

'Chained To You'

I'm chained to you
I'm chained to you
I'm hungry cold and wet
I'm hungry cold and wet
What did I do, what did I do
To make you forget?

I waited for you
I waited for you
You didn't come
You didn't come
What have I done
To make you leave me all alone?

I'm lonely without love
I'm lonely without love
I'm lonely without love
Oh help me dear Lord
Don't you hear me, hear me
Hear me up above?

I'm chained to you
I'm chained to you
What did I do, what did I do?
I waited here for you, oh.........

Oh I'm lonely tired and blue
So lonely tired and blue
What did I do, what did I do
What did I do to you?
Oh I'm lonely tired and blue
Oh I'm lonely tired and blue
What did I do, what did I do?
I'm chained, chained, chained to you...

© Maria Daines & Paul Killington
All Rights Reserved
(mcps) ASCAP


by Annamarra

Shepp was a dog that was left for well over a month, to die with no food or water and chained to the extent that his collar was embedded in his skin. No one cared. The neighbors saw him suffering, yet nobody did anything until it was too late. Someone had placed food by him but by then he was too weak to even stand up. Someone contacted KZTV a news, a station which stands up for people and animals alike.

Shepp was taken to animal control were he was cared for by the vets and staff there, I know for a fact, for I was able to see him from behind the glass on Friday afternoon, the tech, vets and staff that were there with him, treated him with such compassion and care. Shepp passed away later that afternoon, which was devastating to the vets and staff.

Shepp's will to live was there, he wagged his tail and even tried to lift his head. However his body couldn't take it due to the extreme neglect he endured for a month. He left this life. KZTV Action 10 News set up a site for Shepp, they will remain attentive to this story.

What is needed is signatures on a petition started out for justice.

In these cases of cruelty it is often difficult to catch and charge those responsible. For one month Shepp had no food, little or no water. There are many that are in dire need of help and it is appalling how long this went on.

Our VOICE can make all the difference ..

Please take a moment, as hard as it is, please, view the video. It tears me apart, but to bear witness, we shall speak out for those that cannot.

Thank you my dear friends. And please REPOST Shepp's story far and wide. That justice may prevail and to those who stood by and did nothing you must be held accountable as well. For the guilt lies heavy upon you.

I am at a loss to express the sorrow and anger I feel.

I only wonder why and how can people turn their heads and say it's only an animal...

Corpus Christi, Texas


To help raise awareness for chained dogs please visit -

Dogs Deserve Better



Messages of support for Shepp's song -

Incredible song! Such a sad story I am in tears! Why do people allow such things to happen? The animals are too good for this world as it has become! Bard of Ely

I am still in tears Thank you my dear ANGELS.

Love your new song Maria..about Shepp...heartbreaking.
Didn't know where to view the video about him..tried clicking a few links but couldn't find....
Well done guys.
Great music. Nice guitar solo too!!
Great vocal Maria.

I hope all of you will take the time to hear this song.

Powerful Lyrics and vocals by Maria Daines and amazing guitar work by Paul Killington.


Your new song for Shepp is amazing. Very powerful!

'Chained To You' is an amazing song - the singing, composition and playing is superb... but what a terribly sad story. The people who stand by and watch this sort of thing happen are as bad as those doing the abuse.
Thank you for bringing it to light. We've downloaded, and hope many others do too, to raise money to help.
Together we can make a difference.
Love to you both,
Brenda and Paul xxx

Chained to You is one emotionally charged song. Lord that poor poor dog. This song is really well done...befitting that it's a blues...and a superbly done one at that. You guys are incredible...

Hi Maria & Paul.
"Chained to you" Shepp.
I'm stunned folks. True Reality Blues, Shepp's Spirit lives on in the hearts of everyone.
Magnificent song, vocals & guitar playing. Peace & Love always.John.x

WOW!!! What a song!!!! Hope loads of people will download it to help save other dogs like poor Shepp.
Can this lady sing the blues, or what!!? Amazing, Maria! And tears aside, I haven't heard blues this good since Led Zep's Since I've been Lovin' you!
An amazing song for such a deserving cause.
Well done!!!!

"What can I say" What can anyone say". For myself it is "Blue Lightning coming down" That very Spirit of Reality Blues that calls out through the heart & soul to come together for all creations sake in The Spirit of Love.

Sad ! yes, but truly Inspired by such moving music & lyrics for Shep.

Peace & love to you both always. My greatest respects. John.

Maria and Paul,

On behalf of myself and Dogs Deserve Better, I would like to thank you for allowing us the use of your beautiful music and especially Chained to You. I think we all would have loved to have been a neighbor to Shepp, to know there are 1000's of others in his same boat right now that we don't even know about tears me up. Your song brought tears to my eyes the second I started listening, and I bought it immediately. Thank you again, we are blessed to have your in our corner.
Your music is amazing!